Terms and Conditions


  • 1 General provisions
  1. Rules of the online store determines the scope and conditions of ordering goods in NUTRON Pietkiewicz Tomasz with headquarters in Zerniki Male (55-040) on the street Sloneczna 4, VAT ID: PL894-236-10-44, REGON 932687484 e-mail tomek@nutron.pl, phone number + 48 602 720 936, Hereinafter referred to as "the seller", using the online shop at www.promoto.nutron.pl, hereinafter referred to as "the store".
  2. Complaints and refunds are handled at Zegiestowska 3, 50-542 Wroclaw, POLAND..
  3. Using the store, the customer has the option to submit a non-binding order to sell the goods and services available in the store.
  4. The content of the store's websites and other information contained in the store, including but not limited to catalogues, folders, brochures, other information or advertising materials, should be considered as an invitation to conclude a contract.
  5. Presentation of product images in the store is not an offer of sale within the meaning of the Civil Code.
  6. All goods in the store are brand new, free of physical and legal defects, unless the product card expressly describes otherwise, and has been lawfully placed on the Polish market.
  7. The contract concluded between the customer and the seller regarding the purchase of the product in the store is timely and lasts for the period of execution of the order. The place of fulfillment of the purchase of the goods is the delivery address indicated by the customer, subject to the products received personally by customers in whose place of performance is the physical address of the store.
  • 2 protection and processing of personal data
  1. The controller of personal data within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) is the seller.
  2. The data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy published in the store and as Appendix 1 to this regulation.
  3. The data controller is not responsible for providing inaccurate personal data by the customer.
  4. The provision of personal data by the client is voluntary, provided that certain forms of sale may require the provision of a certain range of personal data for the correct and safe execution of the contract.
  • 3 Terms of service
  1. The recommended technical requirements for cooperation with the electronic system that the seller uses are as follows:
    1. Connection to the Internet,
    2. Web browser that allows you to display hypertext (HTML) documents on your computer screen Internet Chrome,
  2. The minimum configuration requirements necessary to cooperate with the electronic system that the seller uses are as follows:
    1. Connection to the Internet,
    2. Web browser to display hypertext (HTML) documents for PCs on the computer screen: Internet Explorer 5.5; Firefox 1.0; Opera 8. x, 9; Netscape 8.1; Mozilla 1.7. x, and for MAC OS 10.1: Netscape 7.2; MAC OS 10.4: Safari 2. ' Cookies and JavaScript must be enabled and the recommended screen resolution is 1024x768.
  3. The provision of unlawful content by the customer, and in particular prohibits the supply by or to the electronic systems of the seller of data that causes a work or overload of the systems Information that infringers on the goods of third parties, general social norms or which are inconsistent with generally applicable laws.
  4. If the seller has obtained a message about the customer's use of a service provided electronically in accordance with the regulations or with the applicable regulations (prohibited uses), the seller may process the customer's personal data in The extent necessary to establish its liability, provided that it persists for the purposes of the evidence the fact of obtaining and the content of those communications.
  • 4 Prices
  1. Prices quoted in the online store on the store's website are expressed in Polish zloty (PLN), euro (EUR), British pound (GBP) and include VAT. Prices expressed in US dollars (USD) do not include VAT.
  2. All prices quoted in the store are binding only when placing an order through the website.
  3. The prices shown on the website do not include information on shipping and payment costs.
  4. The binding and final price is the price of the product stated in the store at the time of ordering by the customer.
  5. Information about the total value of the order is presented in the shopping cart after the customer has chosen the form of delivery of the order and payment method.
  6. The Seller reserves the right to make changes in the prices of the products on a regular basis, and to carry out and cancel all types of promotions and sales. The entitlement referred to in the preceding sentence shall not affect the orders placed before the date of entry into force of the change in price, promotional or sale conditions.
  7. The seller informs that the offers referred to in point 6 of this paragraph will be valid until stocks are exhausted. The order of order execution determines the order in which orders are placed.
  8. Promotions in the store are not transferable unless otherwise specified in the terms of the promotion.
  • 5 Placing an order
  1. The seller accepts orders to prepare the contract for goods available in the store through its website.
  2. Orders will be executed in the order of submission.
  3. Orders can only be processed in the territory of the Republic of Poland and the European Union and other selected countries.
  4. The seller in the feedback on the acceptance of the order will indicate to the customer the selected method of payment described in detail in § 7.
  5. Sending an order means that you submit a statement that any data you provide in connection with ordering is truthful. The seller is not obliged to verify their truthfulness.
  6. The customer is assumed to approve the order at the same time accepting the terms and conditions. If any of the clauses of the terms and conditions legally require consent granted expressly, the point shall be deemed to be valid only if the consent is properly given.
  7. In the event that a part of the contract is not possible, the seller may propose to the customer:
    1. Cancellation of the entire order (if the customer chooses this option, the seller will be exempt from the obligation to fulfill the order);
    2. Cancellation of an order in a part in which execution is not possible within the prescribed period (if the customer chooses this option, the order will be executed in part, the seller being exempt from the obligation to execute it in the remaining the scope);
    3. The breakdown of the contract and the appointment of a new time limit for that part of the contract, the execution of which is not possible within the original deadline (if the customer chooses this option by sending the order Products will be made in several separate consignments, and the customer will not incur additional costs associated with the breakdown of the contract).
  8. In the absence in the warehouse of the ordered product or the inability to fulfill the order for other reasons, the seller has the right to withdraw from the contract of sale within 30 (thirty) days, counting from the date of its conclusion. The Seller reserves the right to withdraw from the contract of sale within 14 (fourteen) days of its conclusion in the event that it was concluded during the defective operation of the store's IT system in particular when displaying on Incorrect prices, or product descriptions. If the payment for the subject of the order has been made in advance-the seller will reimburse the customer the amount paid, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of dispatch of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract, in accordance with the details specified in § 10 below.
  9. In case of incorrect or inaccurate address, the seller shall not be liable for failure to provide or delay in delivery of the subject of the contract.
  10. In the event of delivery problems within the agreed deadline or the need to change the delivery deadline, the customer may contact The courier company directly relying on the consignment note number, or the relevant local postal office.
  • 6 delivery of the order
  1. The goods ordered in the seller's online store will be delivered via courier companies to the address indicated by the customer. The customer has the option to order a personal pick-up at the seller's premises.
  2. The time of receipt of the consignment consists of:
    1. Time of delivery of the order (completion of the goods, form of payment, issuance of sales document, package packing);
    2. Delivery time, depending on the chosen delivery method.
  3. An invoice or a fiscal receipt is issued with the goods. In the absence of any of these documents, the customer is obliged to report this fact in order to remedy the deficiencies.
  4. Notwithstanding the other provisions of the terms of service, the order will not be fulfilled:
    1. Customer's payment;
    2. The customer providing incorrect or false data when placing the order;
    3. No contact with the customer on the order e-mail and the phone, unless the order has been paid;
    4. Incorrect placing of an order by the customer;
    5. The seller's recognition that in the case of an order submitted by the customer there is a suspicion that the client does not comply with the generally applicable law or misuse of the rights arising therefrom, and in particular: hacking, the use of someone else's Identity of the store, impersonating another person.
    6. Customer's negative history regarding the realization of the seller's previous orders.
  5. The order will be processed up to 30 days from the date of its confirmation or payment for pre-paid orders. The seller has the right to determine in the course of execution of the contract another, shorter period of its implementation, unless the customer expresses opposition.
  6. In the event of a delay, the buyer may designate an additional time limit for the delivery of the goods and may withdraw from the contract after its ineffective expiration.
  • 7 Payment Methods
  1. Payment for the goods may be made by the customer in the following ways:
    1. Before the delivery of goods to the customer (Advance payment):
      • By bank transfer to the bank account,
      • With a credit card,
      • Via a PayU or PayPal intermediary.
    2. At the time of receipt of the goods:
      • In cash in the hands of the carrier in the case of delivery of goods via carrier,
      • In cash at the seller's premises.
    3. In the case of pre-payment, the order will be processed only after the payment has been credited to the seller's account, and from that point onwards, the contract terms and conditions described herein begin to run legally.
    4. The customer is obliged to pay the order within 7 days of its confirmation, otherwise the seller has the right to withdraw the contract of sale.
    5. The seller may determine with the customer other special conditions and forms of payment. In this case, the terms and conditions of payment indicated in the order confirmed by the seller as accepted for execution and fulfilment of any additional requirements relating to the agreed terms or method of payment shall apply.
    6. For certain types of assortment available in the store, the seller reserves the right to limit the method of payment by not making certain payment and delivery options.
  • 8 Return of goods
  1. A consumer who has concluded an off-premises contract may withdraw from it without stating a reason in accordance with the provisions in force, within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of the goods, by submitting to the trader a statement of Withdrawal from the contract. It is enough to send a statement before the deadline expires.
  2. The customer may use the withdrawal model available at https://www.nutron.pl/pub/odstapienie-od-umowy-wzor.pdf but using this design is not a prerequisite.
  3. The return of the goods referred to in paragraph 1 of this paragraph shall take place at the expense of the customer. The goods returned in connection with the withdrawal from the contract must be complete (together with the full equipment and accessories constituting its integral part), may not wear traces of use going beyond the usual management thing. You must attach a copy of the sales document to the returned item. Removal of the factory security of the packaging (foil, sticker, tape) cannot be treated as a reason for the seller's refusal to return.
  4. The consumer is responsible for reducing the value of things resulting from its use in a way beyond what is necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
  5. The return of the goods to the seller shall take place no later than 14 (fourteen) days after withdrawal from the purchase/sale agreement. To preserve the deadline, it is sufficient to send the goods before expiry. With the returned goods, the customer must reimburse any products/benefits which he/she has received at a complimentary rate and/or whose condition of obtaining or receiving a preferential price was the purchase of the return equipment.
  6. In the event that the consumer chooses to return the goods and when the provisions of § 8, paragraph 3, 4 and 5 of the purchase agreement are fully fulfilled, the contract is deemed not to be concluded and the consumer will be issued a corrective invoice or receipt to the purchase document.
  7. In the event of withdrawal from the customer's contract, the seller will reimburse to the customer all payments received from the client, including the costs of delivering the goods (except for additional costs resulting from the customer's choice of delivery method other than The cheapest usual delivery method offered by the seller), without delay, and in any case no later than 14 days from the date on which the seller was informed of the client's decision to exercise the right of withdrawal, however, no sooner than after The customer's return of the subject matter of the contract to which he or she is waiving or providing proof of such reimbursement. The seller's payment refund will be made using the same payment methods as the customer used in the original transaction, unless the customer expressly agrees to another solution; In any case, the reimbursement of the payment is made at the seller's expense.
  8. The right to withdraw from the contract referred to in paragraph 1 of this paragraph shall also apply to instalments, in distance contracts, in accordance with the terms of the credit agreement.
  9. The right to withdraw from an agreement concluded off-premises or at a distance shall not be granted to the consumer in respect of contracts:
    1. For the provision of services if the trader has fully performed the service with the express consent of the consumer, who has been informed before the commencement of the provision that the trader loses the right to withdraw from the contract;
    2. Where the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the trader has no control and which may occur before the expiry of the time limit for withdrawal from the contract;
    3. Where the subject of the provision is a non-prefabricated thing, produced according to the consumer's specifications or for satisfying his or her individualised needs;
    4. Where the subject of the service is a benefit which is deteriorating rapidly or has a short shelf life;
    5. In which the object of the service is supplied in a sealed packaging which cannot be returned after opening due to health protection or hygienic reasons, if the packaging has been opened after delivery;
    6. In which the subject of the provision are items which, after delivery, by their nature, are inseparably linked to other things;
    7. In which the subject of the service are alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed upon the conclusion of the contract of sale, which may be delivered only after 30 days and the value of which depends on market fluctuations, over which the trader does not have Control
    8. in which the consumer expressly requested the trader to come to him for urgent repair or maintenance; If the trader provides additional services other than those whose performance the consumer has requested or provides items other than spare parts necessary for the repair or maintenance, the consumer shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract in respect of Additional services or items;
    9. Where the subject of the provision are sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in a sealed package, if the packaging has been opened after delivery;
    10. o The provision of newspapers, periodicals or periodicals, with the exception of a subscription contract;
    11. concluded by public auction;
    12. o The provision of services in the field of accommodation, other than for residential purposes, carriage of goods, rental of cars, catering, services related to leisure, entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract is marked with a day or The period of service provision;
    13. o The supply of digital content which is not recorded on a tangible medium if the fulfilment of the benefit began with the express consent of the consumer before the expiry of the period for withdrawal and after informing the trader of the loss of rights Withdrawal
    14. Goods are dispatched outside the European Union.
    15. The provisions of this section, as far as they apply to the Consumer, for orders placed from January 1, 2021, also apply to natural persons conducting business activity, if the order is not of a professional nature and is not related to his business or professional activity
  • 9 Complaints procedure
  1. During the acceptance of the order the customer is obliged to inspect the goods on the day of receipt of the order, including the status of their packaging and whether the quantity and assortment of delivered goods are in accordance with the invoice and consignment note. In the event of visible damage resulting from the transport of goods, the customer shall report this to the authorized person supplying the goods in writing on the basis of a duly drawn up and signed by both parties.
  2. If the customer finds a shipment of physical damage to the goods, the client should promptly report these defects to the seller in writing stating the name of the goods, the quantity, the date of detection of the defect of the goods and a legible Signature. The complaint should be sent by fax to No. + 48 602 720 936 or by email to tomek@nutron.pl.
  3. The consumer has the right to lodge a complaint within two (2) years from the date of service of the subject of the contract, unless within 2 (two) months from the date on which he found the non-compliance of the delivered products with the contract, notifies the seller of the identified Incompatibility.
  4. If the goods purchased by mail contain defects or are disagreement with the contract or order, the seller shall bear the costs of returning the consignment.
  5. The defect reported is subject to verification by the seller, who determines whether the fault has not been caused by the customer.
  6. Complaints will be resolved at the latest within 14 (fourteen) business days of receipt.
  7. You must attach a copy of the purchase invoice or receipt or other proof of purchase to the advertised product. After explaining the complaint and its acceptance by the seller, a credit memo or receipt will be issued.
  8. In the event that the customer receives the goods other than the order, they should use the complaint procedure, i.e. Inform the seller about the problem and send the goods back. After a positive verification by the seller of the actual state, the customer will receive the ordered goods and reimbursement of transport costs resulting from the complaint procedure. The customer also has the right to withdraw from the contract as described in § 8.
  9. In the event that a customer mistakenly receives a higher value item, he/she is obliged to inform the seller immediately. The seller has the right to request the return of the goods. In this case, the seller is obliged to send the customer the goods with the order immediately after receiving the return of the wrongly transferred goods. In the event of the customer's evasion of the obligation to return the goods by mistake of more than the goods ordered and paid for, the seller has the right to claim in connection with the unjust enrichment of the customer (article 406-408 of the Code The Civil
  • 10 Warranty
  1. Products sold by the seller may be covered by the warranty provided by the manufacturer or distributor and the seller himself. The terms and content of any warranty are available on the product card.
  2. In the case of a product to which the manufacturer or distributor has granted a warranty, the customer may advertise a product with defects:
    1. Using the rights conferred by the guarantee-in this case, the customer advertises the product directly to the guarantor (the provider of the guarantee) and the seller is only the intermediary of the transmitting complaint. The customer may, at his choice, apply directly to the warranty service or to the seller;
    2. Rights of the seller in connection with the warranty.
  3. In the case of non-consumer sales, the warranty provisions of the Civil Code are excluded.
  • 11 reimbursement of claims to customers
  1. The seller will make a refund within 14 (fourteen) calendar days for:
    1. The cancellation of an order or part of an order (in which case the corresponding part of the price) paid in advance before its execution is refunded;
    2. Withdraw from the contract;
    3. The failure to repair the defective product or replace it with a new item.
  2. Refunds will be made to the customer's bank account (including the customer's credit or payment card) through which the customer has paid in advance for the order, whereby the customer is not entitled to demand payment of interest.
  3. If the seller does not have the necessary data to make a refund is not responsible for the failure to reimburse the sums paid or delay the refund if, despite the referral to the customer at the e-mail address provided by him, a request to send the seller Customer's bank account number, the customer will not send the seller any such bank account number or if the answer does not contain the data necessary to make the refund.
  4. The seller is not responsible for the failure to reimburse the sums paid or delay the refund if they are the result of the customer providing erroneous address and name data, if they were necessary to make a refund, or incorrect bank account number .
  5. The seller is not obliged to reimburse the customer directly if he has made payment for the order using someone else's bank account, credit or payment card. In this case, if one of the conditions for reimbursement of the claims referred to in point 1 above occurs, the reimbursement will be made directly to the holder of the bank account, credit or debit card using which the payment was made to The seller or in the event of withdrawal from the contract otherwise with the express consent of the client.
  • 12 Final provisions
  1. The Seller reserves the right to conduct maintenance work of its electronic system, which may cause inconvenience or prevent the customer from using the services. The seller will always publish on the website information about the expected date of work and their duration.
  2. In exceptional circumstances affecting the security and stability of the ICT system, the seller shall have the right to restrict or discontinue the provision of electronic services without prior publication. Information.
  3. The Seller reserves the right to change the prices and availability of goods appearing on the shop website, to conduct and revoke promotional actions and to modify them.
  4. The seller is not responsible for the non-performance or improper performance of obligations under these terms, unless the failure to perform or improper performance of the obligations is due to circumstances for which the seller did not have Impact despite due diligence (force majeure). In the event of force majeure, the performance of the contract shall be suspended for a period equal to the duration of force majeure plus the period necessary for the possible restoration of the store's proper operation.
  5. The seller may transfer the rights and delegate the obligations arising from the concluded contract to other entities with the prior consent of the customer expressed in a durable medium.
  6. The customer may transfer the rights and delegate obligations arising from the concluded contract to other entities with the prior consent of the seller in a durable medium.
  7. The availability of product information on the store's website does not imply availability of these products in the warehouse and order fulfillment.
  8. All product names posted on the shop website are used for identification purposes and may be protected and reserved under the Industrial Property Law (Journal of Laws No. 119 of 2003, item 1117).
  9. In the event that the customer who is a consumer wishes to enter into a dispute with the seller has the possibility of recourse to out-of-court methods of resolving disputes. Any disputes arising from the contract of sale may be dealt with in mediation mode by mediators of the mediation centre of the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw, in accordance with the rules of this court, in force on the day of referral Request for mediation.
  • 13 Ecological Responsibility

One of the dangers that threaten the environment is waste electrical and electronic equipment. These devices contain hazardous substances such as mercury, cadmium and bromine compounds. The equipment, when worn, is often disposed of in ordinary waste bins, thereby hitting the landfill. Dangerous chemicals permeate the soil, water and air, threatening human and animal life. These hazards can be gradually reduced only by the recovery and disposal of waste equipment. The company Nutron Tomasz Pietkiewicz is registered in GIOŚ as introducing equipment and batteries and accumulating equipment under the number: E00016458WZBW. In accordance with the Act of 29 July 2005 of the Year of "Waste electrical and electronic equipment" we fulfill the obligation to collect waste equipment. Households also fulfil a very important role in contributing to reuse and recovery, including recycling, of waste equipment. A user who intends to dispose of a worn/outdated device is obliged to provide it to the units collecting the waste equipment. Buying new equipment in Nutron-old of the same kind you can leave in our store and we will take care of its disposal.